Being in partnership with company AXOPEN give me a lot of possibilities to aid them in creation of their view.
So in total, here is the main future screen of site
also the template for blog
and last autumn they created a software for which it was requested o create a presentation. The orance color, which was never ever considered to be used (by default it is light blue), was taken directly. It refresh and give warm feeling.
As accompany to the creation of product visual image, was also created few objects.
The CD with cover:
Flyers format A4, with autentic design for each service of product. 
Folders for flyers in the same theme
In total it was created:
- website for company
- website for product
- template for blog
- foldes
- flyers
- cd + cover
- business cards
- usb key


Being in Partnership with AXOPEN SOLUTIONS company, we've created a set of templates and objects to represent them in market of IT and software p Read More
